Technical Sourcer Vs Recruiter

Technical Sourcer Vs Recruiter – Everything You Need to Know

Talent sourcing and recruiting are like two sides of a coin—different but certainly interconnected. Many consider the recruitment process as a start-to-finish journey as it contributes significantly to a company’s success. However, traditional hiring strategies are no longer adequate in order to win the cream of the crop. To delve into the valuable reservoir of talent available globally, professionals like technical sourcers and recruiters are essential.

These professionals excel at identifying, scouting, and engaging the hidden gems among candidates. But since they have different positions, shouldn’t they also have different responsibilities? In this article, we will explore the common differences between technical recruiters and sourcers, understanding their respective roles and how they achieve their objectives.

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Technical Recruiters vs. Sourcers – Basic Difference

There is a reason why these two roles have different names – their assignments and duties contrasting in some cases.

A technical sourcer focuses on onboarding talented individuals with their sharp eye for detail. Their ability allows them to extract talent even when a candidate is not actively looking for a job.

On the other hand, a recruiter takes a holistic approach, assessing candidates’ experience and skills and ensuring they settle well into the new workplace environment.

Various factors can blur the line between these two dynamic roles, since some of their duties are similar. Social media plays a prominent role in confusing technical sourcer with recruiter. Similarly, the increasing practice of carrying out a talent acquisition hunt worldwide can have the same blurring effect.

Remember that technical sourcing is the first part of the hiring process, followed by recruitment. In simpler words, while both professions are connected, there is a great deal of difference between talent sourcing and talent recruitment.

What is Technical Sourcing?

Technical sourcing, as the name suggests, is the practice of finding and supplying suitable candidates for a particular job. Technical souring is among the very first steps since it deals with identifying potential candidates who are not already employed. These intellectual professionals attract, evaluate, filter, and engage the right talent, giving them the opportunity to become permanent employees.

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The main goal for employing technical sourcers is to have a pipeline of talented individuals ready that can fulfil present and future job requirements. To do this, technical sourcers may rely on traditional job postings, social media channels, or other technological extensions, discussing open positions on them.

A technical sourcer’s typical responsibilities include the following:

  • Attracting and retaining talented individuals.
  • Reaching out to potential or passive candidates.
  • Generating the interest of active and passive candidates.
  • Advertising job openings through job boards and similar platforms.
  • Keeping potential candidates within an active network to fill present and future job needs.

What is Recruiting?

Recruiting comes after technical sourcing. This step includes screening, interviewing, helping, and guiding sourced candidates via traditional and contemporary recruitment processes.

The recruiters perform a very essential job – negotiating salaries and other job package details. This is why they are fully aware of the company’s resources and have excellent negotiation skills.

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The recruiters are also good, effective communicators since they help new employees follow through the entire onboarding process.

This is what an average recruiter’s duties look like:

  • Screening and filtering prospective employees.
  • Scheduling interviews and official meetings.
  • Helping candidates through evaluation processes.
  • Negotiation of job packages, such as details, nature of work, etc.
  • Coordinating back and forth regarding job offers.
  • Managing relevant large databases.
  • Handling the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) tools.

Technical Sourcers vs. Recruiters – The Main Differences

Despite them having some similarities, there are some evident differences between technical sourcer and recruiter. These include the following:


The main difference between a technical sourcer’s and recruiter’s role is their approach toward talent acquisition. The technical sourcer has a very proactive search approach, allowing them to discover suitable, deserving candidates who might not even be applying actively.

For instance, a technical sourcer may find a professional with the required qualifications and skills and share the job listing with them, motivating them to apply.

In contrast, a recruiter showcases a reactive approach, consisting of screening and picking or discarding profiles right there and then. This is also why recruiting comes only after sourcing since the latter makes a final decision of hiring or discarding.


No two roles can have the exact same objectives, or else they will not be two different roles in the first place. There is no doubt that technical sourcers and recruiters help hire the ideal talent for a job. However, their secondary goals are dissimilar.

A technical sourcer has the goal of making initial contact with suitable candidates, regardless of whether they have applied. If they have already applied, the technical sourcer takes their application further. If they have not, the technical sourcer encourages them to submit their application in hope of an affirmative response from the company’s side.

On the other hand, a recruiter forms a professional relation with the candidates, offering them guidance and assistance every step of the way until they fully settle into their new position.

Recruiters are usually the first people of contact for new employees as they have already established good ties with them.

Duties & Responsibilities

While the primary responsibilities remain the same, the general ones may differ for each profession depending on the organization they are working for.

Here is what technical sourcers usually accomplish:

  • Work with colleagues to create innovative and practical sourcing strategies and assist with their implementation.
  • Work on various talent acquisition strategies.
  • Work with new industrial trends to help keep up with the latest recruitment practices.
  • Learn about new recruitment tools and technology, such as automated job advertising
  • Initiating contact with candidates.
  • Tracking and maintaining metrics along with the conversion rates, like the number of candidates applying for a role.
  • Developing interest among the right talent pool regarding the company’s vacant positions.
  • Up-keeping a talent pool for future hiring needs.
  • Referral follow-ups.

This is what most recruiters are expected to do:

  • Work with hiring managers and other staff to understand hiring needs.
  • Create and implement effective recruiting strategies.
  • Closely screening candidates.
  • Coordinate among departments about hiring meetings.
  • Helping select the optimal candidates.
  • Communicating messages to candidates clearly and professionally on behalf of the organization.
  • Monitoring and meeting staffing needs.
  • Keeping track of references and background checks.
  • Organizing and executing company recruitment job fairs and events.


Both the professions of technical sourcing and recruiting are crucial for establishing a successful company. While the technical sourcer helps bring in the right talent, the recruiter assists with their hiring, offering guidance from the first step to the last until the new employee settles.

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