Job Description


A talented ZK Engineer to join our innovative team. You'll be working on cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof technologies, contributing to the development of next-generation blockchain solutions.

💼 What You'll Do:

• Develop and optimize ZK systems and protocols

• Collaborate with a team of world-class engineers

• Contribute to the advancement of zkVM technology

• Solve complex problems in cryptography and distributed systems


 Ideal Background:

• Strong computer science foundation

• Familiarity with ZK frameworks

• Understanding of zkVM internals (big plus!)

• Experience with DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages)

• Some professional experience in related fields


Growth Opportunity:

We value potential as much as experience. If you're passionate about ZK technology and eager to learn, we want to hear from you regardless of your career stage.

  • Development
  • Problem Solving
  • Team Collaboration
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