
Beginner JavaScript Free Course

Whether you are new to programming or want to hone your core programming skills, the Beginner JavaScript course is meant to provide you with a thorough overview of JavaScript. This course covers a wide range of subjects, from fundamental grammar and data types to more complex ideas like the Document Object Model (DOM) and asynchronous JavaScript. After completing the course, students will be able to create interactive web apps and have a solid understanding of JavaScript.

Basics of JavaScript

At the start of the course, an overview of JavaScript is given, outlining how it may be utilized as a flexible scripting language to improve websites. Basic concepts like variables, data types, and operators are covered. The notion of variables, which hold data values, and the many JavaScript data types, such as texts, integers, and Booleans, are presented to the learners. You will also learn about operators, which are used to manipulate values and variables.


Programming requires an understanding of control flow, and this course explores the many JavaScript control flow structures. Comprehensive coverage is provided for topics including loops, switch statements, and if statements. Switch statements offer a method to manage various situations if statements enable the execution of code depending on specific criteria. While and for loops are two types of loops that are used to constantly run code based on a condition.


A fundamental idea in JavaScript is functions which enable modular programming and code reuse. The module covers the definition, invocation, and significance of arguments and return values for functions. Additionally, it handles many function types, such as:

  1. Arrow functions
  2. Instantly invoked function expressions (IIFE)
  3. Normal functions

The Tricky Bits

In JavaScript, objects and arrays are the basic data structures. The course offers a thorough examination of objects, which store data in key-value pairs, and arrays, which are used to store numerous values in a single variable. It includes object methods for working with data within objects as well as array techniques like:

  1. Push
  2. Pop
  3. Shift
  4. Unshift
  5. Splice

The DOM – Working With HTML and CSS

An integral feature of web development is the Document Object Model (DOM), which shows the HTML page as a tree structure with each node corresponding to a section of the document. JavaScript works with the Document Object Model (DOM) to dynamically modify a webpage's styles, content, and layout. DOM element selection and manipulation techniques such as querySelector(), addEventListener(), and getElementById() are presented to learners.


Creating interactive web apps requires handling events in a critical way. The module covers a variety of event types and how to utilize event listeners to handle them, including click, mouseover, and keypress. Students are taught how to create event handler functions, which improve a web page's interactivity by running in response to user input.

JavaScript Asynchronous

This module covers the principles of asynchronous JavaScript, including:

  1. Callbacks
  2. Promises
  3. Async/await

Asynchronous actions are frequently used in modern online applications. Callbacks are functions that are sent to other functions as parameters, enabling the execution of code after an asynchronous action is finished. Async/await syntax gives a more understandable and streamlined approach to writing asynchronous code, while promises enable a more reliable method to manage asynchronous activities.

Utilizing APIs

Web applications can interact with other services through APIs or application programming interfaces. The Fetch API is used to create HTTP requests, and reply handling is covered in the module. Learners are imparted the ability to read JSON data received from APIs and change the DOM, allowing them to create dynamic web apps that communicate with outside data sources.

Debugging and Handling Errors

Any programmer must be able to debug, and this course covers the many tools and debugging techniques included in contemporary web browsers. It covers typical error management strategies using try...catch statements and how to examine and debug JavaScript code using the developer tools provided by the browser. Students are taught how to find and correct errors in their own code.

Introducing Wes Bos

Renowned web developer and instructor Wes Bos is well-known for his hands-on, engaging style of instruction. Wes has years of expertise in the industry and has developed many courses that make difficult web development ideas easy for students to understand. His practical instructions and real-world examples make learning engaging and successful. Wes's enthusiasm for instruction and dedication to assisting learners are apparent in all of his classes, including JavaScript for Beginners.

The extensive presentation of essential JavaScript ideas in the Beginner JavaScript course sets it apart from other courses. This course, in contrast to other of Wes Bos's more advanced offerings, emphasizes a solid foundation and making sure students grasp the fundamentals before going on to more difficult material. The course is a great option for people who are new to programming or JavaScript because of its structured methodology, detailed explanations, and interactive activities.


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