
Blockchain Basics : A Free Course For Beginners

$ 20.50

Learn about the fundamental concepts of Blockchain and how this leading technology is changing the world. Covering all the essential knowledge of Blockchain basics, this course is ideal for enthusiasts of cryptocurrencies, decentralized networks, and distributed databases. Equip yourself with the Blockchain expertise and skills to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving Blockchain world.

What Will You Gain from This Course:

Following the completion of this course, participants will:

  1. Gain complete knowledge of Blockchain fundamentals.
  2. Understand the architecture of a Blockchain.
  3. Understand the basics of consensus mechanisms.
  4. Get a deep understanding of how Blockchain technology works.
  5. Learn how to build a solid Blockchain foundation consisting of its leading technologies and consulting plans.
  6. Learn when and how to use Blockchain.
  7. Learn the transaction mechanisms in Blockchain.
  8. Understand the demands and needs of the Blockchain industry.
  9. Understand the effects of Blockchain across various industries.
  10. Speak confidently on topics pertaining to Blockchain and related systems and networks.
  11. Gain complete knowledge of blockchain cryptography and its role in the Blockchain industry.
  12. Learn new Blockchain concepts from experts.
  13. Get brief insight into the evolving nature of Blockchain.
  14. Get basic concepts about Bitcoin, Neo, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric.
  15. Develop in-demand basic Blockchain skills.
  16. Earn a shareable certificate that strengthens your resume and showcases your knowledge regarding Blockchain basics.
  17. Get free lifetime access to the Blockchain Basics course.

Skills Acquired:

  1. Blockchain Technology
  2. Blockchain Basics
  3. Consensus Mechanism
  4. Blockchain Cryptography
  5. Blockchain Architecture
  6. Decentralized Technology
  7. Bitcoin, Neo, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric
  8. Accounts, Blocks, Transactions, & Merkel Trees

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for individuals with an interest in blockchain basics. It is particularly beneficial for those who wish to understand the evolution of blockchain technology, its impact across various industries, blockchain architecture, and consensus mechanisms. It is for those aspiring professionals who want to establish a career in the blockchain industry or other decentralized networks.

Course Content

What is Blockchain?

This module covers the definition of blockchain, helping participants understand its exact meaning. It explains how blockchain is a digital ledger that facilitates all cryptocurrency transactions. The module aims to cover blockchain basics and discuss the numerous characteristics that make it easier for the attendees to comprehend the blockchain concept.

Database vs. Blockchain

This module helps participants understand the usage of blockchain, typically where an average database reaches its limitations. It teaches students about the basic blockchain architecture as well as that of a traditional database. It further elaborates upon the common problems in databases, the benefits of blockchain over a database, and the primary differences between blockchain and databases.

Role of Intermediaries

The module mainly focuses on the role of different intermediaries in traditional systems, as opposed to Blockchain. It allows attendees to comprehend the true function of intermediaries for better overall understanding. It includes an example from the tourism industry, allowing participants to fully grasp the concept.

Blockchain Cryptography

The fourth module sheds light on the vital role of cryptography in the blockchain industry. It introduces cryptography in a way that makes it easy to understand and build further concepts upon. The module includes diagrammatic examples that allow easier comprehension. It further discusses the different types of cryptography, including Merkel trees and hashing.

Accounts, Blocks, Transactions, and Merkel Trees

To have a firm grip on the concept of blockchain, developing familiarity with terminologies like Accounts, Blocks, Transactions, and Merkel Trees is essential. This module enlightens attendees about the associated private keys, blocks, and transactions and also takes them through an example of Bitcoin and the Merkel tree along with a block.

Consensus Mechanisms

This module helps participants understand that once a block is incorporated into the blockchain system, the following mechanism is needed for further processing; this is called the consensus mechanism. It further emphasizes on consensus mechanisms with an easy and popular two generals’ problem.  


This course, designed by experts, offers attendees a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its current and potential applications in various industries.

The course starts by explaining the basics of blockchain, including its definition and how it is different from traditional basics. This is followed by the role of various intermediaries incorporated in the current blockchain system and how the advanced blockchain system can eliminate the need for traditional databases. It also covers the concept of blockchain cryptography and the role it plays in establishing the security of transactions. Next, the course explores the key concepts of blockchain technology, such as blocks, transactions, accounts, and Merkel trees. It also includes the Consensus Mechanism, explaining how it works to ensure that the network corresponds to the Blockchain state. The two most common Consensus Mechanisms are Proof of Work and Stake.

The next module sheds light on how blockchain transactions work and what types of blockchain transactions are available. This module offers a detailed insight into the Blockchain ecosystem and why industries worldwide need it to bring about both internal and external revolution. The course also mentions the common challenges industries face when adopting the blockchain system, further elaborated by real-life examples of blockchain being used in a myriad of industries. Throughout the course, participants are provided with opportunities to apply all that they have learned in terms of blockchain-related skills and knowledge. The course has multiple case studies, exercises, and demonstrations that help attendees develop a better understanding of the blockchain industry, how it is being leveraged around the world, and what the blockchain future looks like.


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