
Blockchain Security Free Course For Beginners


This is a blockchain security course designed for complete beginners. Mastering blockchain security requires no prior experience. The course requires eight hours to complete, but it is completely flexible, so students can customize their pace. This course is divided into five modules, each exploring different topics within the blockchain ecosystem. The instructor will walk through some basic concepts, but as the course progresses, it will also touch on a few advanced topics.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to answer some important questions related to blockchain security, different underlying theories affecting the blockchain consensus, smart contracts, and what makes a smart contract important. Although this is a basic level course, it also includes consensus algorithms and different attacks on the blockchain can be addressed.

The participants will be introduced to different blockchain protocols and advanced cryptography. These concepts are vital for an in-depth understanding of blockchain security. By the end of this course, the student will be able to pinpoint common issues in security, smart contracts, cryptography, etc.

What Will You Gain From This Course?

Following the completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Be able to define the fundamentals of blockchain security.
  2. Have an in-depth understanding of the security of cryptography.
  3. Know about different underlying theories affecting the blockchain consensus.
  4. Have an understanding of consensus algorithms.
  5. Be able to use consensus algorithms for spotting security issues.
  6. Be able to use smart contracts effectively and ensure their security.
  7. Be able to put all these skills to use to ensure blockchain security.

Skills Acquired:

  1. Blockchain Consensus
  2. Consensus Algorithms
  3. Blockchain Protocols
  4. Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  5. Security via Scarcity
  6. Ethereum
  7. Smart Contract
  8. Cryptography

Who Can Benefit From This Course?

This course is designed for:

  1. Developers working on blockchain projects and looking for ways to improve the security of the process.
  2. Blockchain developers looking for ways to use consensus algorithms for diagnosing security issues.
  3. Blockchain users trying to understand blockchain security and keep their data secure.
  4. Students and aspirants learning about blockchain chain and trying to figure out blockchain security.
  5. Business owners with blockchain projects or using blockchain for their business transactions but want to minimize the risk with blockchain security.
  6. Cybersecurity professionals working on blockchain security and want to know in detail about the different aspects of security.
  7. Cyber security experts looking for hands-on experience in blockchain security.
  8. Blockchain enthusiasts looking for ways to boost blockchain security for their projects.

Course Content

5 Modules - 93 Videos – 6 Quizzes – Certificate of Completion

Fundamentals of Blockchain Security

This is the course's first module and requires around one hour to complete. It is about the fundamentals and introduces the basic concepts that can help any blockchain expert understand blockchain security. The module starts by introducing blockchain and then looks at the security of the cryptography used for issue diagnosis. It also looks at different ways and components that are used to put blockchain together. Moreover, the student will also learn about the use of cryptography within blockchain technology.

In addition, learners will also get to explore some advanced concepts, such as the use of public-key cryptography, hash functions within blockchain technology, and different security considerations that every blockchain user must keep in mind while using blockchain.

  1. 20 Videos
  2. 1 Quiz

Consensus Algorithm Security

The second module of this course is about consensus algorithms, and it lasts around one hour. The module starts by introducing consensus algorithms and then dives deeper into the security of the most common variants. Learners will then get an in-depth understanding of why consensus algorithms are important and how they are used. Consensus algorithms are vital for a distributed decentralized ledger. They help connect a network of nodes so the official version of the ledger matches the updated one without any central authority.

Students will also explore different ideas within census algorithms, especially the different basic principles of consensus algorithms, the use and work of two or more primary consensus algorithms together, and ways to attack them.

  1. 20 Videos
  2. 1 Quiz

Blockchain in Action

The third module of this course discusses the blockchain ecosystem and will only take one hour to complete. The learner will get a basic introduction to how blockchain runs and the required ecosystem for its smooth work, including concepts like nodes and networks. Moreover, there is a dedicated section for understanding the blockchain ecosystem security as well.

After this basic introduction, the instructor will also walk the student through some advanced topics, like the components of a blockchain and the different parts of the blockchain that make security systems possible. While the knowledge remains very basic, this module helps the student understand the overall work.

By the end of the module, the student will also examine the creation of different blocks within the blockchain system and the way to attach these blockchains. A detailed section is dedicated to targeting and attacking the blockchain nodes and a network that ties these nodes and networks together.

  1. 18 Videos
  2. 1 Quiz

Smart Contract Security

This is the fourth module of the course, which also spans another hour. This section starts with an introduction to smart contracts, their uses, and some of the most common programming errors made while compiling smart contracts in real life. The module then offers details about the smart contract platforms and how they are extensions of the original blockchain design. Students will also learn about launching a fully functional program to work on the blockchain.

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to describe a smart contract, how it’s made, and some of the programming vulnerabilities that can make a smart contract faulty. Moreover, the learner will understand how to run a smart contract on blockchain and its implementation on the Ethereum platforms.

  1. 21 Videos
  2. 1 Quiz

Beyond the Basics

The last module of the course goes deeper into the concepts of blockchain, examining distributed ledger architectures and advanced cryptographic protections. It also explores some concepts, such as blockchain extensions like sidechains and second-layer protocols. The student will also learn about the use of blockchain protocols and how they can be replaced. This replacement is done using different underlying architectures. Moreover, it also talks about expanding blockchain protocol with the use of second-layer protocols.

Finally, the module also looks at ways to improve these blockchain protocols with the help of advanced cryptographic primitives. Finally, the student will get to explore the limitations of blockchain technologies and how to overcome these limitations.

  1. 14 Videos
  2. 2 Quizzes


This course is good for beginners struggling to understand blockchain security. It has been divided into five modules, each covering a few basic topics along with detailed tutorials and basic practices. The course starts with a basic introduction to all the essential concepts within the blockchain, how it works, and the blockchain ecosystem in general. It then gets into detail about all the basic building blocks of blockchain structure, including cryptography for blockchain security, the importance of hash functions, and how blockchain can be attacked.

In the later modules of the course, there is in-depth information about blockchain consensus, its importance, and need, as well as underlying theories like Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Security via Scarcity and some other consensus algorithms.

The course instructor has also added topics like security issues with each variant, blockchain chain creation, differences between nodes and networks, and some important examples of common ways blockchain is attacked.

For beginners, there is a dedicated part about smart contracts, their security issues, vulnerabilities, and some programming errors within these smart contracts. The course also covers alternatives to blockchain, second-level blockchain protocols, and advanced cryptography in blockchain.

Meet the Instructor

Howard Poston - Infosec

H Howard Poston, a seasoned cyber and blockchain expert, leads this course. With a Bachelor's degree in computer and electrical engineering from the University of Dayton, Howard brings industry experience. He has also worked as a researcher, trainer consultant, and software developer in the industry. He also has extensive experience in academics and developing quality educational content. Howard also offers security assessments, research, and software development services for academic and industry projects. He has specialized in cryptography, blockchain, malware analysis, and cybersecurity.


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