
Free Blockchain Revolution Specialization Course For Beginners


This four-course specialization course for beginners offers an in-depth look into blockchain technology. In this immersive learning specialization, you will have access to cutting-edge research, practical case studies, and interactive projects that will help you improve your knowledge and sharpen your abilities. By the time the specialization ends, you will have acquired the skills necessary to recognize and assess blockchain potential specific to your sector, enabling you to lead innovation and take advantage of fresh opportunities in the digital landscape.

What Will You Gain from This Course

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

·       Recognize the seven fundamental concepts that are essential for navigating the "Blockchain Revolution."

·       List and evaluate the 10 biggest obstacles you may come across while implementing blockchain technology.

·       Learn and comprehend the meaning of important terminology such as DApp, cryptoasset, public key cryptography, consensus method, miner, hash, nonce, and self-sovereign identification.

·       Consider blockchain applications that are relevant to your industry and decide if they fit into your future plan.

Skills Acquired:

·       DApp

·       Cryptography

·       Hashing

·       Cryptoasset

·       Nonce

·       Consensus Method

·       Mining

Who Is This Course For

This course is ideal for:

·       Professionals who are looking to comprehend blockchain technology basics.

·       Entrepreneurs who want to investigate how blockchain technology might impact different businesses.

·       CEOs who want to use blockchain technology to reinvent how they create value and organize their operations.

·       People who want to learn more about how blockchain influences financial services and business models.

·       Anyone who is interested in learning more about the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the digital innovation landscape.

Course Content

4 Specialization Courses – 178 Videos – 96 Readings – 68 Quizzes – 20 Discussion Prompts – Certificate of Completion

Specialization Course 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technologies

In this course, you will explore the limitations of the existing Internet environment for commercial and financial activities and how blockchain technology offers a revolutionary way ahead. You will learn blockchain in simple terms and understand how it works. Hashing, public key cryptography, proof-of-work, mining, and avoiding the double-spend problem are among the important subjects discussed. You will also learn about the challenges facing the creators of blockchain technology as well as the seven essential design principles that form its foundation.

The 2nd Era of the World Wide Web

This lesson presents blockchain as the "trust protocol," bringing in the second era of the Internet. Learn how blockchain transforms trust relationships by avoiding the need for centralized intermediaries and instead relying on teamwork, clever programming, and cryptography.

·       13 Videos – 60 minutes

·       8 Readings – 150 minutes

·       6 Quizzes – 150 minutes

·       3 Discussion Prompts – 30 minutes

Blockchain Design Principles

In this module, you will learn seven fundamental blockchain design principles. Every principle functions as a guide for creating innovative software, services, marketplaces, companies, institutions of higher learning, and political frameworks. By means of perceptive analysis, this module clarifies common problems in the state of the digital world today and presents innovative "blockchain breakthroughs" intended to resolve these problems.

·       12 Videos – 69 minutes

·       8 Readings – 150 minutes

·       6 Quizzes – 150 minutes

Public and Private Ledgers

This lesson explores the complex issues raised by the development of blockchain technology, which has led to a reevaluation of the benefits and disadvantages of making transactions and contracts publicly available. When exploring the domains of distributed ledger implementation, application, and possible regulation, students are presented with critical choices that have a substantial impact on information transparency and financial transactions. Participants in this module will examine methods for protecting privacy in both public and private ledger systems.

·       13 Videos – 49 minutes

·       4 Readings – 65 minutes

·       5 Quizzes – 130 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

The Blockchain Ecosystem

This session explores the wide range of participants in the blockchain ecosystem. Participants will obtain an understanding of the diverse responsibilities and viewpoints possessed by nine different stakeholder types via in-depth investigation.

·       8 Videos – 35 minutes

·       2 Readings – 32 minutes

·       4 Quizzes – 120 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

Blockchain Implementation Challenges

In this module, you will examine 10 crucial implementation issues that impede the progress toward the next stage of the Internet's development. In addition to learning about potential solutions for each problem, participants will investigate doable actions that will help blockchain technology reach its full potential and live up to its promises.

·       17 Videos – 63 minutes

·       11 Readings – 170 minutes

·       10 Quizzes – 270 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

Specialization Course 2: Transacting on the Blockchain

Attendees will acquire knowledge on how blockchain technology acts as a powerful equalizer, equipping people, businesses, and entrepreneurs with the means to promote diversity and fair involvement in value creation. By the end of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the revolutionary possibilities of blockchain-enabled transactions and be able to imagine a society where decentralization, equality, and efficiency are the norm rather than the exception.

Digital Assets

This module focuses on the field of cryptoassets. Participants will gain familiarity with nine different categories of cryptoassets through in-depth exploration, including cryptocurrencies, protocol tokens, stablecoins, securities tokens, governance tokens, exchange tokens, natural asset tokens, and digital currencies issued by central banks (CBDCs).

·       14 Videos – 84 minutes

·       12 Readings – 125 minutes

·       4 Quizzes – 60 minutes

·       2 Discussion Prompts – 10 minutes

Smart Contracts

You will discover the definition and operation of smart contracts in this module. You will learn how smart contracts built on the blockchain may help people and businesses save money on transactions, cut down on the need for middlemen, and enhance security, privacy, and productivity.

·       11 Videos – 49 minutes

·       4 Readings – 60 minutes

·       5 Quizzes – 120 minutes

·       2 Discussion Prompts – 20 minutes


This section addresses the drawbacks of big, centralized systems that rely on conventional identifiers like passwords, government-issued ID cards, and biometric information. Participants will examine the philosophical and administrative issues that arise from identifier-based systems in a variety of industries, including banking, health insurance, and email. Additionally, students will analyze five major problems related to these systems. They will also receive insight into the transformational potential of distributed self-sovereign identification systems applied on the blockchain.

·       9 Videos – 40 minutes

·       3 Readings – 40 minutes

·       3 Quizzes – 90 minutes

·       2 Discussion Prompt – 20 minutes

Rethinking Finances

This module explores the complexities of the global financial system, emphasizing its inefficiencies. Participants will acquire knowledge on how blockchain technology is set to upend the core operations of the financial sector, offering people and businesses previously unheard-of chances to innovate in value creation and management.

·       8 Videos – 50 minutes

·       4 Readings – 45 minutes

·       4 Quizzes – 90 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

Specialization Course 3: Blockchain and Business

During this course, you will learn how blockchain is changing the fundamental structure of businesses by influencing their operational frameworks, funding sources, and methods for creating value. Students will examine how the C-Suite's responsibilities have changed in this new paradigm and learn how blockchain technology may completely transform the protection and administration of intellectual property.

In addition, participants will examine the many tiers of the blockchain technology stack and analyze how they affect system governance. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the critical elements required to develop a robust blockchain ecosystem that draws in tech entrepreneurs and promotes innovation globally.

Blockchain Business Models

This module delves into the plethora of options that blockchain technology has for upending or replacing traditional centralized business strategies. Participants will explore how blockchain uses native payment systems, reputation systems, uncensorable content, trustless transactions, smart contracts, and autonomous agents to drive the development of new business models.

·       15 Videos – 82 minutes

·       6 Readings – 90 minutes

·       3 Quizzes – 70 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 40 minutes

Blockchain and C-suit

This section explores the revolutionary effects of blockchain technology on the basic architecture and frameworks of companies, bringing about a paradigm change in management practices and C-Suite responsibilities. Attendees will acquire a deeper understanding of the choices and adjustments that corporate executives need to make while planning how to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

·       11 Videos – 40 minutes

·       8 Readings – 145 minutes

·       14 Quizzes – 360 minutes

Blockchain Consortia

This module explores the ever-changing blockchain ecosystem, where businesses from all industries come together to take advantage of distributed ledger technology's (DLT) revolutionary potential. Participants will get knowledge about the incentives that corporations use to participate in blockchain consortium initiatives. They will examine the main goals that rivals and industries need to work towards in order to achieve a win-win situation. By looking at actual cases, attendees will learn about the innovative projects led by industry consortia at the forefront of the blockchain revolution.

·       6 Videos – 44 minutes

·       2 Readings – 20 minutes

·       4 Quizzes – 60 minutes

Leadership of the Web3 Era

In this module, the instructor will address the fact that blockchain technology ultimately depends on human leadership to be realized in the end. Blockchain governance has to come from a partnership of government agencies, commercial enterprises, civil society, and other non-state actors. It cannot come by depending just on traditional state-based institutions. Participants will have conversations on trade-offs, future possibilities, and important problems related to blockchain regulation.

·       14 Videos – 88 minutes

·       4 Readings – 80 minutes

·       4 Quizzes – 120 minutes

Blueprint for New Social Contracts

This module addresses the profound shifts brought about by the ongoing digital revolution, which have an impact on the labor markets, the global economy, institutional frameworks, and social structures. Participants will set off on an investigation of possible paths for this new social contract, which will include the agreements, laws, and practices maintained by governments, corporations, civil society, and people.

·       12 Videos – 69 minutes

·       1 Readings – 30 minutes

·       2 Quizzes – 60 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

Specialization Course 4: Blockchain Opportunity Analysis

You will integrate all of the knowledge you have learned into a complete project known as a Blockchain Opportunity Analysis in this last course of the specialization. The first of this course's two main goals is to pinpoint a particular issue or need in your selected sector that blockchain technology could be able to help with. The second step is to investigate possible answers to this problem, including practical implementation plans. You will go through a number of project milestones during the course, assisted by tools that entrepreneurs frequently use to arrange and evaluate their results.

Enrolling in this course also gives you access to our Blockchain Case Commons, a carefully selected collection of blockchain use cases from a variety of sectors that may serve as a great source of inspiration and reference for your project.

Industry Analysis

Attendees will explore the state of blockchain applications in a variety of industries, and they will have the option to focus their final course project on a particular area. By means of comprehensive investigation, students will explore actual instances of blockchain applications in their selected sector. In addition, participants will carry out initial market research with the goal of pinpointing a lucrative market niche in their selected sector that is ready for blockchain technology.

·       6 Videos – 25 minutes

·       5 Readings – 110 minutes

·       1 Quiz – 5 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

·       2 Plugins – 30 minutes

Opportunity Identification

This module delves into the crucial process of pinpointing blockchain technology prospects within the market sector of your choice. You will also get a sophisticated grasp of the kinds of challenges that are most well-suited for blockchain-based solutions. Participants will have the ability to distinguish between problems that play well with blockchain technology and those that might not gain much from its use.

·       9 Videos – 22 minutes

·       6 Readings – 95 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes

·       1 Discussion Prompt – 10 minutes

·       1 Plugins – 15 minutes


For their blockchain-based product or service, participants will concentrate on developing a unique identity or niche that will appeal to their target market. By the end of this module, participants will be able to explain how their concept will benefit the consumers in a new or improved way and how it will affect their company’s position in the market.

·       2 Videos – 3 minutes

·       2 Readings – 60 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes

·       1 Plugins – 15 minutes


This lesson takes participants through the critical step from ideation to implementation, understanding that even while an idea looks good on paper, careful preparation and calculated decision-making are required to realize it. Participants in this session will examine critical business-model factors that are necessary to turn their recognized potential into a real, measurable reality.

·       2 Videos – 4 minutes

·       2 Readings – 40 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes

Final Deliverable

You will compile all of your course material into a peer-reviewed project deliverable in this last module. This covers competitive analysis, market segmentation, industry analysis, blockchain potential identification, strategic positioning, and business model decision-making. You may make a strong pitch for your concept to your company or possible investors by combining these components.

·       3 Videos – 14 minutes

·       1 Peer Review – 60 minutes


With the help of this extensive four-course specialization, take a revolutionary trip into the realm of blockchain technology. Under the direction of Don and Alex Tapscott, the authors of the best-selling book Blockchain Revolution, you will explore the foundations of blockchain technology, its revolutionary effects on several sectors, and the numerous business prospects it offers.

Learn about the many kinds of cryptoassets and how they may be used in blockchain networks for transactions. Examine how blockchain is changing financial services and business paradigms by providing new opportunities for value generation and management.

Gain access to a plethora of information offered by developers and industry experts from prestigious organizations, including ResonanceX, Grid Singularity, Keyless Technologies, and the Ethereum Foundation. Get access to state-of-the-art research from the Blockchain Research Institute and make use of the vast Blockchain Case Commons, which is a collection of actual blockchain applications from a variety of industries.

You will be guided through weekly project milestones and get experience in breaking down industry problems, looking at blockchain solutions, and creating thorough Blockchain Opportunity Analyses. Equipped with this priceless resource, you will be ready to present your concepts to investors or stakeholders, stimulating creativity inside your company.

Meet the Instructor(s)

Don Tapscott - Adjunct Professor at INSEAD - Co-Founder & Executive Chairman at Blockchain Research Institute

A well-known person in the fields of innovation and technology. Don has published nine best-selling books and given two TED presentations, making him a respected expert on the digital era and its effects on society. His support for a new social compact for the digital era demonstrates his dedication to creating a more just and sustainable future. Don is a seasoned educator with a plethora of knowledge, having been named by Thinkers50 as the second most prominent management thinker in the world. His services to academics and society at large are well recognized since he was a member of the Order of Canada and the former Chancellor of Trent University in Ontario.

Alex Tapscott - Instructor at INSEAD

Entrepreneur, writer, and seasoned capital markets specialist Alex Tapscott focuses on how digital assets, blockchain, and Bitcoin affect financial and commercial markets. Alex is often sought by corporate and government audiences worldwide due to his renowned skills. He brings a lot of experience to the table, having given over 200 lectures and executive briefings at esteemed organizations, including Google, Allianz, IBM, Microsoft, Accenture, and Goldman Sachs (Talks at GS). With more than 700,000 views on his TEDx lecture, "Blockchain is Eating Wall Street," he has established himself as a prominent figure in the industry. Furthermore, Alex's work has been featured in prominent journals such as The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The Globe and Mail, and the National Post.



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