
Master Web 3.0 Development with ethersJs Course for Beginners


Welcome to the Web3.0 Blockchain Development course, where you will learn about all the fundamentals of using JavaScript to communicate with a blockchain. Using the robust Web3 library ethers.js, you will set out on a quest to become an expert in the basics of blockchain development.

After finishing this course, you will be able to develop scripts with confidence for sending transactions, generating wallets, and communicating with the blockchain. Every idea that is taught in this course is essential knowledge for anybody aiming to become a blockchain engineer.

What Will You Gain from This Course

Following the completion of this course, participants will:

  1. Become an expert in blockchain development and creating and implementing smart contracts.
  2. Discover how to work with Smart Contracts to provide easy integration with decentralized apps (DApps).
  3. Learn how to securely and effectively send transactions inside blockchain networks.
  4. Learn how to create wallets for safe digital asset management and storage in decentralized ecosystems.
  5. Make use of Node.js and JavaScript's potential for Web3 development to create scalable and reliable decentralized apps.
  6. Learn how to use ethers.js, an effective JavaScript framework that allows for improved functionality and easier development workflows while working with the Ethereum network.

Skills Acquired:

  1. Web3 Development
  2. Blockchain Development
  3. Interacting with Smart Contracts
  4. Sending Transactions
  5. Listening to Events
  6. Creating Wallets
  7. JavaScript
  8. NodeJS
  9. ethersJS

Who Is This Course For

This course is designed for:

  1. People who are interested in learning the foundations of Web3.0 blockchain development using JavaScript.
  2. Aspiring blockchain programmers who want to become proficient in using blockchain technology.
  3. Those who want to create scripts with assurance that they can transmit transactions, create wallets, and interface with the blockchain.
  4. Anyone who is eager to learn the necessary skills for a future in blockchain engineering.

Course Content

11 Sections – 12 Lectures – 12 Videos – Certificate of Completion


In this course, participants will learn about the fascinating field of Web 3.0 blockchain development. Learners will have a clear grasp of the skills and ideas they will acquire during the program, which includes a brief introductory video explaining the primary learning goals. This module opens the course and lays the groundwork for studying the core ideas and technology behind Web 3.0 development.

  1. 1 Video

Setting Up Environment

This lesson ushers in an important portion of the course where participants will set up their coding environment for Web 3.0 blockchain development. This section offers a practical method for setting up the hardware and software needed for smooth development. Step-by-step instructions will be provided to participants, guaranteeing a seamless setup procedure.

  1. 1 Video

Connecting to the Blockchain with EthersJS

Participants will acquire the necessary skills in this segment to link their node to the blockchain network. Students will comprehend how to connect to the blockchain and get important data by following a set of instructions. They will investigate ways to extract the block number and collect comprehensive information from the current block, establishing the groundwork for further in-depth communication and investigation within the blockchain ecosystem.

  1. 1 Video

Get Information about Transactions

In this lesson, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the complex inner workings of blockchain transactions by learning how to access and extract certain information from transaction blobs. With practical guidance, students will find ways to navigate transaction data inside blocks so they may gain important values and insights. Through proficiency with transaction blobs, attendees will gain a more profound comprehension of the transactional facet of blockchain networks.

  1. 1 Video


In this lesson, participants will learn about the differences between smart contract accounts (SCA) and externally owned accounts (EOAs) in the context of the blockchain ecosystem. They will become proficient in identifying and comprehending the differences between various account kinds. In addition, students will receive guidance on how to retrieve the remaining EOAs and format the output so that it can be read by humans. Through the acquisition of these strategies, participants will get an understanding of account management on blockchain networks, enabling them to traverse and interact with account balances in an efficient manner.

  1. 1 Video

Smart Contracts

In this lesson, the participants will learn how they can interact with smart contracts. They will also learn about ERC20 tokens and how they are necessary for creating or deploying smart contracts.

  1. 1 Video


During this lecture, attendees will explore the realm of smart contract events and learn about their importance and practical applications in the context of blockchain development. Through hands-on examples and explanations, learners will obtain an understanding of the process of listening to events.

  1. 1 Video


This lecture will cover the notion of wallets in blockchain development, with a particular emphasis on creating random wallets with ethers.js. Through step-by-step instructions and practical activities, learners will comprehend the significance of wallets in safely managing digital assets inside decentralized ecosystems.

  1. 1 Video


This lesson will detail the useful features of sending transactions using ethers.js, a potent JavaScript library for dealing with the Ethereum blockchain. The two main topics of the talk will be sending tokens and sending ETH via NativeBalance. Through guided activities and practical examples, learners will get a comprehensive grasp of the transaction process inside blockchain networks.

  1. 1 Video

Sending/Transfering ERC20 Token

Participants in this lecture will go through real-world scenarios related to sending and receiving ERC20 tokens on the Rinkeby Testnet. Using the Rinkeby Testnet for testing, the procedure of acquiring Testnet Ethereum and Chainlink tokens opens the session. In order to become acquainted with the test environment, participants will build wallets, claim Testnet Ether, and obtain Chainlink Testnet tokens. After that, students will apply their understanding of Ethereum and ERC20 token specifications to the nuances of transferring Chainlink tokens on the Rinkeby Testnet.

  1. 2 Videos

Additional Content

In this bonus course, participants will set out to use ethers.js to construct a basic yet effective whale tracker application. The goal of the whale tracker project is to build a real-time monitoring system that scans a blockchain network for significant transactions. The core features of the tracker, such as transaction detection and notification, will be built by learners via step-by-step instructions and hands-on practice. Participants will learn how to identify big transactions, set transaction criteria, and send out notifications in the appropriate situations.

  1. 1 Video


It is not necessary to have any prior coding or blockchain development knowledge to enroll in this course. That being said, it will be simpler for you to understand the concepts covered here if you are already familiar with JavaScript and have worked with Node.js.

You will be using the most recent resources and methods required to create practical scripts, bots, and applications. Through the completion of this course and the application of the information you gain, you will quickly become an expert Blockchain Developer.

As Blockchain coders are in great demand, starting this path now might result in lucrative possibilities in the area very soon. Thus, do not delay—get started right now to set yourself up for a successful career in blockchain development!

Meet the Instructor(s)

  1. Jürgen Wolf - Web3 Developer

The instructor for this course, Jürgen, has over three years of expertise as a seasoned Blockchain Developer and has worked on several fascinating projects in the cryptocurrency space. Jürgen is a committed educator who has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience over the years. He uses his YouTube channel to share lessons and thoughts on Blockchain Development with a broad audience.


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